How would you afford to purchase your business partners shares in event of their death or permanent disability?
How would you afford to purchase your business partners shares in event of their death or permanent disability?

How would you afford to purchase your business partners shares in event of their death or permanent disability?

Through an insurance backed Shareholder Buy/Sell Agreement, funding is secured through lump sum insurances - making sure that capital is available when needed to fund the transaction.

How would you value your business & its shareholding?
How would you value your business & its shareholding?

How would you value your business & its shareholding?

Typically, businesses are valued based on a multiple of their EBIT (Earnings before Interest & tax) - each industry has a different multiplier of this figure - which determines a potential sale price.

What happens to a business's value when a shareholder cant work?
What happens to a business's value when a shareholder cant work?

What happens to a business's value when a shareholder cant work?

Normally shareholders are also key to the ongoing profitability of a business, when a shareholder can't work in the business there is often a corresponding loss of revenue - which in turn drives the value of the business down. It's vital to have a comprehensive insurance strategy to ensure what can be insured.. is.

What is a shareholder agreement and how does it work?
What is a shareholder agreement and how does it work?

What is a shareholder agreement and how does it work?

These agreements a legally binding contracts between shareholders that outline what happens in event of a shareholder's death or permanent disability. They set a valuation model for the shareholdings and typically are backed by insurance policies to provide the funding - ensuring that the surviving shareholders have the capital to pay fair value to the family of the deceased.

Shareholder Protection

A Shareholder Buy-Sell Agreement is a crucial legal document designed to manage the sale or transfer of shares in a company. It outlines how and when shareholders can buy or sell their shares, ensuring smooth transitions and protecting the interests of remaining owners.

Typically, these agreements include provisions for determining share value, triggering events such as death, disability, or voluntary exit, and the process for initiating sales. They often feature right of first refusal clauses, giving existing shareholders the opportunity to buy shares before they are offered to outsiders.

The funding of these Agreements is typically provided through Life & Total Disablement Insurances. This helps maintain control within a desired group and prevents unwanted external influences.

By clearly defining these terms, a Buy-Sell Agreement minimizes conflicts and disruptions, ensuring business continuity and stability.

It is essential for businesses to periodically review and update this agreement to reflect changes in ownership, valuation methods, and legal requirements.

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